“Are we the last of those, who retain power or the first of those, who are defenseless?”
Andrzej Żuławski “On the Silver Globe”
I am afraid of war and disease, climate change, consequences of pollution. I am wondering, how this world will look like in the future? Will we live in peace or will existing societies disappear? Does our survival really matter? After current civilization will come another. Instead of going towards extinction or being the crowning achievement of creation, maybe we are just a step to a better, yet unknown form of life. Evolution into new form – a change – a movement that is nor bad nor good.
What would stay? Edifices once so important – when provided with sense from existing societies, now withdrawn from context. Maybe there would be some pedestrians, which would not need civilization improvements to survive. I did not want to show ruins or apocalyptic visions of doom because it generates emotions, it escalates fears… Instead I am wondering if that places and what they mean are that important to kill and die. Is it possible a reality with no emphasis on competition, rating or profit?