Nowa Ziemia i 64 krótkie opowieści I New Earth and 64 short stories

Galeria Biała, Lublin, Poland
04.10.2019 - 31.10.2019
online: Nowa Ziemia i 64 krótkie opowieści I New Earth and 64 short stories at Galeria Biała

New Earth and 64 short stories.
Edna Baud, Michał Chudzicki, Marta Szulc

New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


Next to the climate change catastrophe there is information about new photos of Mars made by Curiosity rover. The end of the world nightmares and the dreams of the conquest of space bond together. Would it be a new beginning and will we be wiser from this trial or must we take responsibility for our sins? In any event New Earth is waitng and the age of the anthropocene picks up velocity.


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki


New Earth and 64 short stories, exhibition view, fot. Piotr Wysocki