
Foksal Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
09.11.2020 - 09.11.2030
online: #LasRzeczy at Foksal Gallery

The title “Forest of Things” (silva rerum) refers to family books popular among Polish nobility, which comprised sets of texts, usually highly diverse in content and form.
The project is supposed to grow like a forest, be like living tissue, an extensive organic structure. The presented works form a heterogeneous collection, which is to change gradually, more or less dynamically and branch in different, unexpected directions. The artists function in their own realities. Their works do not share a common thematic denominator, being either complete or sketchy, loaded with emotional baggage or presented in an utterly light manner. The artists will share subsequent elements/stages of their works regularly, from time to time, simultaneously or without coordination. They can also inspire themselves at different stages of their work as the project is to encourage a flow of energy between them.
Undeniably, however, the topic that prevails in the already presented works is the experience of unexpected and imposed home isolation due to the spread of coronavirus epidemic.
The project has started in April this year following intensive telephone and online interactions during the mandatory isolation. The curator had been consulting with artists for many weeks, searching for means to present their works. The group consists of: Kuba Bąkowski, Izabela Chamczyk, Norbert Delman, Dominik Jałowiński, Bianka Rolando, Katya Shadkovska, Marta Szulc, and Wojciech Puś, who incorporated the works of his students from the Film School in Łódź realized within the assignment “Akt twórczy | Akt oporu” (act of creation | act of resistance) to the project. They include: Katarzyna Adamkiewicz, Kacper Gawron, Oktawian Jurczykowski, Justyna Miśkowiec, Filip Preis, Joanna Roj, Kamila Solarz, Weronika Szyma and Tomek Tofilski.
The final shape and aims of the project have emerged during multiple meetings and discussions via communicators and video chats, leading to the launching of a website in November. It appears to be an answer to the second wave of the pandemic, the topic which has been pertinent to the project from the outset. It naturally uses the language of the Internet, as the website’s main navigation tool is a tag cloud, containing terms associated with each work. The structure of the project implies its ability to develop by adding new works as well as introducing other artists.
Curator: Katarzyna Krysiak
Co-operation: Martyna Stołpiechttps://galeriafoksal.pl/las-rzeczy/artysci/marta-szulc/